A.Gold Level Package (5.000 Euro)
The Gold level has the following benefits:

  • 12sqm stand display space
  • Logo presentation on digital media areas other than the symposium website
  • A hyperlink from the official symposium website to the own website
  • Promotion (with official company logo) in the symposium Final Printed Program
  • One representative from the company will be included in the scientific program as a speaker
    –     One full color advertisement on the external back cover of the Symposium Final Printed Program
    –     Inserting promoting materials into symposium bags
    –     Three (3) complimentary exhibitor badges (exclusive of hotel accommodation)
    –     Platinum sponsor’s name and logo will be included the most visibly in the “Acta Horticulturae” book of the Symposium.

B.Silver Level Package (3000 Euro)
The Silver level has the following benefits:

  • 9 sqm stand display space
  • Logo presentation on digital media areas other than the symposium website
  • A hyperlink from the official symposium website to the own website
  • Promotion (with official company logo) in the symposium Final Printed Program
    –     One full color advertisement on the external back cover of the Symposium Final Printed Program
    –     Inserting promoting materials into symposium bags
    –     Three (3) complimentary exhibitor badges (exclusive of hotel accommodation)
    –     Platinum sponsor’s name and logo will be included the most visibly in the “Acta Horticulturae” book of the Symposium.

C. Bronze Level Package (1000 euro)
The Bronze level has the following benefits:

  • A hyperlink from the official symposium website to the own website
  • Promotion (with official company logo) in the symposium Final Printed Program
    –     One full color advertisement on the external back cover of the Symposium Final Printed Program
    –     Inserting promoting materials into symposium bags
    –     Three (3) complimentary exhibitor badges (exclusive of hotel accommodation)
    –     Platinum sponsor’s name and logo will be included the most visibly in the “Acta Horticulturae” book of the Symposium